Artists’ application

Artists' Application

Central Park Open Studios 2025

Important Dates

Open Studios Event
September 27th & 28th, 11 am - 5 pm

Plan Your Tour Party
September 13th, 12 - 4 pm at the Cube
Each artist participating in the tour will have one piece of art on display and will be offering a demo or information about your work to encourage guests to come to your studio during the tour. 

Monthly Meetings
March 3rd, 7 pm at the Cube (first informational meeting)
Monthly meetings will be planned to organize and coordinate the event beginning in March and leading up to the event in September.

Important Deadlines

Entry Deadline
March 31st 11:00 pm MST
Completed signed agreement and $75 application fee. Apply now.

Artist Notification
April 5th

Artist Follow-up Materials Deadline
April 15th
Images, artist statement, and headshot/photo



  • Artists must be an active member of Central Park Artists Organization. Join or renew your membership.

  • Art must be shown within the Central Park Community.

  • Artists must agree to provide an educational component for visitors by demonstrating their creative process and materials; displaying the basic steps in completing their work, or verbally discussing the process of their work for visitors. 

  • Artists must derive a portion of their income from their art. 

  • Artists are encouraged to have a minimum of 12 pieces to be exhibited during Open Studios. New work is highly recommended. 

  • Artists must agree to be in their studio during all hours of the Open Studios event. 

  • Artists must be responsible for all required City, County and State Sales Tax in the event of sales during the Open Studios. 

  • Studios must be within the Central Park Community. Artists are allowed to group together in one location for the show if desired.

  • Open Studios artists will participate in the “Plan Your Tour Party” by offering a demo or information about your work to encourage guests to come to your studio during the tour. Party will be at the Cube, Saturday, September 13, 2025.  12:00PM – 4:00PM

  • An application fee of $75.00 must accompany the Commitment Application submitted by March 31, 2025. 

  • This event is presented by Central Park Artists Organization and MCA 80238. We will be seeking additional sponsor donations to empower the artists and engage our community. 

  • Artists that are active on social media, do a post relating to open studios at least once a week. Twice a week as we get closer to the event.

  • Monthly meetings will be planned to organize and coordinate the event beginning in March and leading up to the event in September. First meeting will be an informational meeting on Monday March 3rd at the Cube 8371 Northfield Blvd., 80238 7:00 PM.

Apply Now

Only entries with completed signed agreement and application fee received by March 31st 11:00 pm MST will be considered. Notification of acceptance will be emailed to each artist by April 5th. 

Deadline for images, artist statement, and headshot/photo will be April 15th. 

Please prepare 1 digital image in jpeg format at 72 ppi with the longest side being 1500 pixels. Each jpeg file needs to be named with CPOS, your initials, an underscore and the title. For example, if your initials are JK and the title of your entry is "beautiful", you would name your file as follows: CPOSJK_beautiful.jpg. Please submit image along with your headshot/photo, logo (if applicable) and your artist statement of 70 words or less here.

Please note Images and information submitted may be used in promotional materials for Central Park Denver Open Studios Tour 2025. The image you submit will be entered into competition for the poster image.


Help Us Grow – Bring in a Sponsor!

To make this event even bigger and better, we are asking participating artists to help bring in sponsor donations. Sponsorships will provide critical support for event promotions, signage, and artist amenities, while also giving businesses valuable exposure.

How You Can Help

🎨 Invite a Business to Sponsor You! – If you have a connection with a local business, gallery, or patron, ask if they’d like to support the arts by sponsoring your participation. Please invite at least 2 sponsors.

🎨 Use Our Sponsor Kit – We’ve made it easy! We provide sponsorship materials you can share with potential sponsors.